How we can help
Please get in touch if you would like a confidential discussion about any area of work.
Developing grant making
With almost 30 years’ grant making experience, we can help you review grant programmes, gather evidence to develop new work, design new programmes or processes, plan your publicity to maximise reach, and provide grants assessments, evaluations, or all aspects of day-to-day grants management.
Growing corporate social responsibility
As a business, you may be developing new work, thinking about how to adapt existing programmes to support charities and the community sector, re-examining your organisation’s role in the community, whilst also complementing your brand. Global pharmaceutical company GSK’s UK flagship GSK IMPACT Awards has been led by Lisa for many years. We bring the experience and track record to help you design or deliver programmes to maximise impact, value, and reach.
Training and development for charity leaders
Leadership can be a lonely place, resilience and confidence can erode, relationships get stuck and ultimately the organisation suffers. With limited funding available for leaders’ development, creative solutions are needed. We bring the experience and track record of developing and delivering innovative solutions.
Supporting collaboration across the health system
The health system is under immense pressure, and with new health structures, shrinking budgets and an alarming rise in health inequalities, the role of charities and communities is key to supporting people’s health and wellbeing. However, many factors, whether systemic, cultural or practical, can get in the way of the NHS, the wider public or private sector, Local Authorities, and charities maximising this collaborative potential. We bring a deep knowledge of developing strategic work in this area, including what can get in the way of turning shared ambitions into reality.
Scoping, research and evaluation
With experience of leading influential research and evaluation projects, we can help you scope out new initiatives; develop a detailed understanding of context; draw on a wide range of views and feedback and evaluate programmes of work.

The web links give examples of current or previous work, although some projects are not in the public domain so can’t be linked.